Human Body

6 Eating Disorders Everyone Should Be Aware Of Health

6 Eating Disorders Everyone Should Be Aware Of

There’s a lot of misunderstanding out there about eating disorders. In fact, many people live with eating disorders without even realizing it, and they suffer needlessly for it. While conditions like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are fairly well-known, they’re just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how pervasive these disorders actually […]

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What to Expect with an Acupuncture Treatment Health

What to Expect with an Acupuncture Treatment

Many forms of traditional medicine have been replaced by modern treatments that are overwhelmingly more effective. One big exception, however, is acupuncture. Developed in China thousands of years ago, acupuncture was originally designed to manipulate the flow of chi, or life force, along meridians, or pathways, throughout the body. Western civilization has widely embraced the […]

Read More about What to Expect with an Acupuncture Treatment

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